Today I am thinking about my dead people.
The people I love that are no longer here.
I am thinking about how little or much they suffered while they were dying.I
I feel like most of them met suffering; knew suffering; suffered.
So, I turned my attention to this amazing reflection that I use often in my classes and with clients.
It's the Nine Contemplations of Death, a Buddhist writing attributed to Atisha, an 11th century Tibetan scholar. I hope you will find it as calming and meaningful as I do.
The First Contemplation
Death is inevitable, no one is exempt.
Holding this thought in mind, I abide in the breath.
The Second Contemplation
Our life span is decreasing continuously, every breath brings us closer to death.
Holding this thought in mind, I delve deeply into truth.
The Third Contemplation
Death will indeed come, whether or not we are prepared.
Holding this thought in mind, I enter more fully into the body of life.
The Fourth Contemplation
Human life expectancy is uncertain, death can come at any time.
Holding this thought in mind, I listen with utmost care to every sound.
The Fifth Contemplation
There are many causes of death— habits, desires, accidents can be precipitants.
Holding this thought in mind, I consider the myriad possibilities.
The Sixth Contemplation
The human body is fragile and vulnerable, our life hangs by a breath.
Holding this thought in mind, I attend to each inhalation-exhalation.
The Seventh Contemplation
At the time of death, our material resources are of no use to us.
Holding this thought in mind, I invest wholeheartedly in the practice.
The Eight Contemplation
Our loved ones cannot keep us from death, there is no delaying its advent.
Holding this thought in mind, I exercise non-grasping and clinging.
The Ninth Contemplation
Our body cannot help us at the time of death, it too will be lost at that moment.
Holding this thought in mind, I strengthen my capacity for release.
