There are more than 11 million widows and 3 million widowers in the U.S.
Most are 65 or older.
Many people who have lost a partner want to date again.
They hold the loss of their partner close, while addressing the grief and their needs. They will never forget their person.
They are finding their life-affirming way after profound loss.
Perhaps their partner had encouraged them to love again.
Maybe they crave romantic intimacy.
And the emotional support that comes with that connection.
Maybe they have doubts about society's standards regarding an acceptable time to 'move on'?
Maybe they haven't dated for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more decades.
Here is what I want to say to them:
"Go for it! Have fun! Enjoy!
I know you still hold their beloved close. I know you still grieve.
You are here among the living, so live exactly how you want to!
This is your Third Act!
Don't worry if someone else is uptight about it. Let your happiness and focus win them over. Cut them some slack for not cutting you more slack.
And just enjoy the heck out of these steps forward. Its all good!"
Are you a widow or widower ready to date again? I would love to hear your thoughts.
