When I read Anne Sexton's quote "Put Your Ear Down Close to Your Soul and Listen," I must admit that I am an end of life doula for selfish reasons.
Do you agree that the act of listening is the most sacred act we can do?
Whether for ourselves or others, that deep listening puts us in touch with the purest part of our humanity.
That is what compels me to this end of life work. I love the listening.
Listening to what is being said and not being said.
Listening to what is felt.
“The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be
witnessed—to be seen, heard, and companioned exactly as it is."
Parker Palmer
Deep listening is an honor.
Witnessing is an honor.
Holding the space is an honor.
It feeds my soul.
My spirit yearns for it. What does your spirit yearn for?