The term "compressed morbidity" doesn't sound nearly as wonderful as it is.
In Eastern philosophy, it refers to someone being in tune with the Tao or with nature, so they will live a long life and die fast.
Doesn't that sound wonderful?
By extension, the philosophy also says that the last ten years of one's life should be the best ten years. Often in Western society, the last 10 years of someone’s life are the worst 10 years, marked by decline and loss.
By another extension, if the last 10 years can be our best years, and if we are living well into our 70's, 80's, and 90's, then our 'third act,' after work and childrearing is done, when we settle into a quieter time, promises all sorts of wonderful riches, leading up to that last decade.
For me, my 60's have thus far been my best years, where I finally embrace, in my way, how to relish life and love with joy, curiosity, play and openness. Gratitude!
Here's to your compressed morbidity!
