Educational Offerings
I am passionate about death and dying education. I love connecting with others in a dynamic learning environment. Whether teaching a course, facilitating an open conversation, bringing people together to learn, heal, or build community, it makes my heart sing. Please find my offerings below and let me know here if you have any questions.
New End of Life Intentions course starts March 12th! See below.
End of Life Presentations
Upcoming Engagements:​​​​​​
New class starts March 12th. Sign up soon!
Special offering of my End of Life Intentions for Pragmatists and Seekers Course by Berkeley Adult School.
A gentle approach allowing you to ease into both the pragmatics and the mental readiness involved in embracing end of life for yourself or your loved ones.
Scroll down to see attendee testimonials.
Online through the Berkeley Adult School, open to all!
6 class meetings, 1-3pm PT, Wednesdays March 12-April 16
Please register here. Note: Must be a CA resident.

Past Presentations:
Dec 19
Reimagine's Room for Grief Support group
4:00 pm-5:15 pm PT (7pm-8:15 ET)
Online, open to all, free or donation
Nov 21
Reimagine's Room for Grief Support group
4:00 pm-5:15 pm PT (7pm-8:15 ET)
Online, open to all, free or donation
Nov. 20
Navigating Grief in the Workplace
Online, open to all, free
Nov. 17
End of Life Planning
In Person presentation
United Church of Christ (UCC) Creation Justice
Church, San Mateo, CA
Nov. 13
What the heck is an End of Life Doula anyway
and What is a Green Burial?
October 15
Live Instagram Interview with Let's Reimagine's
CEO Brad Wolfe
September, 2024
Eldercare Specialists,
Virtual presentation, SFBA
August 2024​
Contra Costa Hadassah Rosh Hodesh Group,
Virtual presentation
March, 2024
What is an End of Life Doula?
In person presentation, San Francisco
American Society on Aging, National Conference​
May 31, 2023​​
​​A Conversation on Death and Dying
In person, Albany Library, Albany, CA
2021 and 2023​​​​​​
What is an End of Life Doula?
Senior Roundtable
Professionals working with the elderly
Death Cafes
​Ongoing Virtual Facilitated Group
2nd, 3rd, 4th Tuesday of the Month,
10:00am-11:30am PT / 1pm-2:30pm ET)
A safe and supportive space for open conversations about death and dying, grief and loss. It is a space for deep sharing and deep listening. There is no agenda, no teachers, no beliefs. This is a discussion group, not a grief support or counseling session.
The Death Cafe movement began in 2011 by Jon Underwood in England and has spread worldwide. You can find out more at www.deathcafe.com.
I have been honored to lead these weekly groups online since April, 2020 for Mission Hospice and the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation.
Please sign up on Eventbrite. They are free and open to all.
Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation Death Cafes
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 10am-11:30am PST.
For more information and to register: EKRF Cafes
Please note:
*There is one zoom link for all of the 2nd Tuesday Death Cafes and another for the 4th Tuesday Death Cafes. If you have the link, registration is not necessary; you can join directly via the link below at the correct time:
Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation (EKRF) Death Cafe
Zoom link for 2nd Tuesday of the month, 10am-11:30am PT
​Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation Death Cafe
Zoom link for 4th Tuesdays of the month, 10am-11:30am PT
​​Mission Hospice (MH) Death Cafe
3rd Tuesday of the month, 10am-11:30am PT. Free.
For more information and to register: MH Cafe
Please note: Here is the Zoom link to join the MH Death Cafes if you prefer not to register, or use this link:

Recent comments:
​"As someone who has attended Death Cafes facilitated by Rhyena Halpern since May 2021, it is hard to put into words the many ways I have benefited from her ability to create an atmosphere where I have felt comfortable to share my deepest thoughts and feel truly heard. A group of strangers become trusted confidants under her guidance. In the true spirit of Death Cafe's mission, Rhyena opens the door for all who enter to ‘increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives'."
- Anne R, Conn.
"I can't believe what a sweet, tender space you create. It calms me and soothes me. Thank you." - - Nancy L, London
"Thank you, Rhyena, for creating such a safe container and holding each of us with love! I keep coming back for that warmth and safety."
- AN, San Mateo CA
"Its been so hard these 5 years since my father died. Coming to these death cafes every week, along with my bible study group, my therapist and my sister, as well as just the passage of time have helped me so much to let go of such heavy, daily grief and sorrow. I felt like it was never going to change but now I really feel lighter. Having the death cafes to come to each week was huge for me. I am so grateful. As I write this, the clouds have disappeared and the sun came out, and is shining brightly!"
- Death Cafe Participant

End of Life Intentions for Dummies, Pragmatists and Seekers
Online course
Next series: Winter 2025, TBD
This six-week course is a friendly, comprehensive, and accessible primer on planning and setting intentions for the end of our lives. Topics include meeting our wise elder, legacy and life review, ethical wills, defining our end of life wishes, environmentally friendly disposition of the body and memorials, caregiving, solo aging, beginning again after profound loss.​​
Comments from students:
"This series offers you a beautiful journey into living and dying."
-Nancy L, Kansas City
​​"Rhyena is a gifted teacher. I loved learning from her! I'm so inspired by the work she does." ​
“This series of classes was so informative, thought provoking and well formulated. I'd actually take it all over again."
-Abbie K, Virginia Beach
"I can't thank you enough for getting me in gear. Because of your sessions, I realized that I need more support. Not from a therapist (of which I have two different kinds. Yikes!), but from someone with particular expertise and sensitivities. Thanks again for your kindness, your expertise, and your wonderful ways of engaging us all in the group."
-Caron, Portland, Maine
"As a pastor, I found this class helpful for my ministry. As someone who has watched loved ones die, and also did not get to say good-bye to some loved ones, this class was healing." -Cecily B, San Jose, CA
"This class was so amazing that I am going to attend Rhyena's death cafes. I want to be around her more and sign up for a Third Act coaching session. I feel touched by her loving presence, her listening and her patience! "
-Donna W, Washington DC
Spiritual Dimensions of Nearing Death
Online Course
2025 course dates TBD
This five-class series provides an opportunity to explore near-death experiences, death as a presence/teacher, and the special communication that can happen as one nears death. For more information and to register: Eventbrite Registration
Comments from students who took the course:
"I was pleased to attend your class on the spiritual dimensions of nearing death. I would like to express my gratitude at this juncture for the selfless effort you put into it. I would like to continue this journey. Hence, I will be very happy if you could keep me informed regarding your similar sessions and seminars. Since I am a Catholic priest working at present in Germany, I will try to join the sessions as my timings and appointments here permit. I consider it to be a great blessing to have attended your class. Once again thank you so much!"
-Fr. Rockson, Germany
"As a pastor, I found this class helpful for my ministry. As someone who has watched loved ones die, and also did not get to say good bye to some loved ones-this class was healing. As someone who will die, I continue to be intrigued in the process of dying."
-Maria, Illinois